Wool filled pillow

Wool Filled Pillows: A Natural Choice for a Picky Sleeper

I am very light sleeper. Well, maybe not “very” but I need my pre-bed ritual, I also need everything be just so. In the quest for a good night’s sleep, many factors come into play, including the right mattress, comfortable sheets, and a pillow that cradles your head and neck in the perfect position. And since we spend third of our lives in the sleep, we may as well make it as comfortable as possible. One of the most important thing for sleeping soundly is the pillow. I actually even know some people who travel with a pillow, that’s how crucial it may be for some people. Along with a mattress, pillow is one of the sleeping attributes, changin which may affect you the most. So what is the choices when it comes to pillow? While down and synthetic pillows have long been popular choices, wool pillows are gaining traction due to their unique properties and potential sleep benefits. Let’s talk about it.

What is a Wool Pillow?

A wool filled pillow is simply a pillow filled with wool fibers, typically encased in a cotton or other breathable fabric cover. Nothing surprising here. The wool itself can come from various sheep breeds, with Merino wool being a popular option due to its softness and fine fibers.

Benefits of Wool Pillows

Different material offer different benefits and each must to choose their favorite one. Some sleep on buckwheat filled pillows, some on memory foam and some like to have down. Wool filled pillows offer a variety of potential benefits for sleepers, including:

  • Temperature Regulation: Wool has natural thermostatic properties, meaning it can adapt to your body temperature. In the summer, wool wicks away moisture, keeping you cool and comfortable. Conversely, in the winter, the wool fibers trap air, providing warmth and insulation. Did you see there are wool running shoes? While this may sound weird, actually wool is really cool material in many senses.

  • Moisture Wicking: Wool is naturally absorbent, drawing away sweat and moisture from your head and neck throughout the night. This can help prevent you from feeling hot and sweaty, contributing to a more comfortable sleep environment.

  • Hypoallergenic: Wool is naturally resistant to dust mites, mold, and mildew, making it a good choice for allergy sufferers and those with asthma. Dust mites thrive in warm, humid environments, and wool’s ability to wick away moisture creates an inhospitable habitat for them. While some people still believe they have a reaction for wool products, more and more research shows that wool is hypoallergenic.

  • Durability: Wool is a naturally strong and resilient fiber, making wool pillows potentially more durable than pillows filled with other materials. With proper care, a wool pillow can last for many years.

  • Fire Resistance: Wool is naturally flame-resistant, meaning it will not easily ignite and can help resist the spread of flames.

  • Sustainability: Wool is a renewable and biodegradable resource, making wool pillows an eco-friendly choice for environmentally conscious consumers.


Choosing the Right Wool Pillow

If you’re considering switching to a wool pillow, there are a few factors to keep in mind:

  • Loft: Wool pillows come in various lofts, which refers to the height of the pillow. Side sleepers typically require a higher loft for proper neck alignment, while back and stomach sleepers may prefer a lower loft.

  • Firmness: Wool pillows come in different firmness levels, ranging from soft to firm. Choosing the right firmness depends on your personal preference and sleeping style.

  • Cover Material: The pillow’s outer casing is usually made from cotton, but other breathable fabrics like linen or Tencel may also be available.

  • Wool Type: While Merino wool is a popular choice, other wool types like organic wool or New Zealand wool can also be used. Choose American wool if possible to support local businesses and reduce footprint (less traveled- less pollution).

You can also read about how to choose a pillow further.

Caring for Your Wool Pillow

Wool pillows require proper care to maintain their quality and lifespan. Here are some tips:

  • Air regularly: Wool pillows benefit from being aired out regularly to remove any moisture and prevent the growth of mold or mildew. Hang your pillow outside in the shade for a few hours every few weeks, or simply air it out on a clothesline indoors.

  • Spot clean: For minor spills or stains, spot clean the affected area with a mild detergent and water. Avoid submerging the entire pillow in water, as this can damage the wool fibers.

  • Wash occasionally: You can wash your wool pillow every few months, depending on how often you use it and whether you sweat a lot at night. Use a gentle wool-specific detergent and hand-wash the pillow in cool water. Rinse thoroughly and lay flat to dry completely. Avoid using hot water, harsh detergents, or bleach, as these can damage the wool fibers.

  • Professional cleaning: If your wool pillow needs a deeper clean, consider getting it professionally cleaned. Some dry cleaners offer specialized cleaning services for wool products.

Wool pillows offer a unique combination of comfort, support, and potential health benefits for those seeking a natural sleep solution. With their temperature-regulating properties, moisture-wicking abilities, and hypoallergenic nature, wool pillows can contribute to a more comfortable and restful night’s sleep. I personally love my wool pillow, now I sleep knowing no dust mites will get to my face (remember it’s resistant to it) and I love the fact that wool is a renewable source. Did you also know that since sheep domestication wool harvest rose many times? There are ancient documents showing sheep fleece harvest was only 700-750 grams of wool and now this number is over 4 kg from a single sheep. We domesticated them and were selectively breeding those with the best wool productions, so modern domestic sheeps are far different from the wild ones. Wild sheep also do not require shedding or shearing at all!

By considering the various factors mentioned above and choosing a wool pillow that suits your individual needs and preferences, you can experience the natural comfort and potential benefits that wool pillows offer. Give wool filled pillow a try in your quest for the perfect night’s sleep, there is nothing to lose.






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